Ageless Age with Edge

Ageless Age with Edge
welcomes you twofold

Sunday, 17 December 2006

Cherish the Choice, Sanctify the Supper

The Anxiety to Act - the Fear of the Iroquois

In preface, I will say that my posts (and Woof-Log) are not prepped to advise vegans and vegetarians, nor are meant to lure such people into bison cook-outs over prairie bonfires (i dream of them). Nor have I yet examined the ethics behind not eating things that move (faster) versus things that don't. Or things that feel (we think) more pain, and those that feel less.

I do feel free to say this, however. ANYONE could change the way i eat now, depending on what came out of their mouth, and how the application of that wisdom (not necessarily their own) countered or complemented my own dining experiences. I will also say this: I think that's the only healthy, self-charitable attitude to have.

This mode of conviction I strive for - a belief with foundations broad enough to allow me to ALTER the non-essential elements of that belief. I think nutrition and eating are, in the bigger scheme of things, fairly petty concerns (i've modified my own diet by degree for years). They must be altered, even as life must be altered. Yet how cannily do comestion's misapprehended nuances mirror the same nuances we encounter in real life. Simplicity is gain, but only following experience's painful complexities.

To point out a general trend among people who conclusively rule out other diets (or beliefs) based on individual, relative, or esoteric experience: They've rarely tried more than a couple of things (in unvaried combination). They have not experimented with enough variously weighted synthesizing (or non-compatible) factors in order to isolate out the causes of their bliss or mal-reactions. I hear many people point-blank refuse to eat raw vegetables because this 'upsets their digestion' (well, lifting weights makes you sore...) Eating raw vegetables, eating meat, eating oatmeal (where, how often, how much, why, what type, with what) can only lead us to unknowables if we do not attempt to formulate any beliefs in the matter, and do not remain flexible in our experimentation. We must not, in helpless defeat, fall under the delusion that each lifestyle and each diet is relative -- all equally worthy and equally healthy. Activate your will. Employ your freedom. Learn, and live.

Do not settle on freewill/freedom at the expense of that which freewill/freedom strives for: Wellbeing beyond our own devices and knowledge. Such wellbeing may well be beyond our ability - that's no reason to discount the truth of such wellbeing. We must strive to ADAPT to what will lead to greater optimum health, find the willingness to so adapt, and alter diet proportion and content in such a way which allows us to adapt. In this case, ancient humans, forboding like the Iroquois, are not our enemies. They are our very selves which we have misread, misjudged, and perversely subverted. We must not, as G. K. Chesteron warns for modern minds, be "forced towards the future by a certain sense of fatigue, not unmixed with terror, with which [we] regard the past." [What Is Wrong with the World ]

A similar esotericism, one with no focus on potentially achievable IDEALS, influences people's reactions to beliefs AND foods of all sorts. We are afraid of death, but we do not know how to die. We are afraid to kill, but we do it daily. We fear disease, but we have lost the art of ease. We mistake our existential journey for pain and pleasure. But we still cannot muster the courage to eat.

To draw your attentions back to meat: Regardless of one's ethics about eating meat, and barring unfavourable medical maladaptations, very few peoples worldwide have any innate biological aversions to meat ingestion and utilization. The opposite pattern holds: It is the one food the human body most readily recognizes and uses. Sushi passes from lips to anus with much greater ease than peanut butter. Sushi and peanut butter TOGETHER, however, synthesize about as well as Nihilism and Christianity. Strangely, solemnly, sacrificially, it seems that by some past mischance or misdeed, our 'herbivorous planet' grew into a carnivore - and we still reel under the weight of that legacy. Another solemnity seizes me - that life must die in order for life to live. That is the one lesson, no matter what we eat, which fewest learn. It is the most important thing to learn about food.

More mundanely, people will NOT feel good eating meat if (1) it is combined with too many starches, particularly hybrid or refined ones (2) it is a small element in a diet in which the bulk of the calories come from carbohydrates or from a fairly high dose of them (40-80%) (and this regardless of what kind of carbohydrates they are) (3) if raw veggs do not complement their diet (4) if their digestive systems and metabolisms have been given no chance to adapt to the change; create new enzymes and different proportions of enzymes, etc. (though animal dairy is not basic or ancient to human health, the body can learn to make lactase to deal with unruly lactose. I advise mother's milk.) (5) if blood sugar regulation and insulin production have been given no time to re-normalize (6) if they do not feel at peace about the IDEA of eating meat, or feel psychological loathing during the process.

To persuade or dissuade, that is no art without a contents for persuasion or dissuasion.

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Fatless and Sapless - the Desaturated Saps

The following taken from Chris Gupta's informed webpages at

which, in this case, derive from Mary Enig's and Sally Fallon's book The Skinny on Fats

The Benefits of Saturated Fats

The much-maligned saturated fats ­which Americans are trying to avoid ­are not the cause of our modern diseases. In fact, they play many important roles in the body chemistry:

* Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50% of the cell membranes. They are what gives our cells necessary stiffness and integrity.
* They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, at least 50% of the dietary fats should be saturated. (38)
* They lower Lp(a), a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to heart disease. (39) They protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, such as Tylenol. (40)
* They enhance the immune system. (41)
* They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids.
* Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when the diet is rich in saturated fats. (42)
* Saturated 18-carbon stearic acid and 16-carbon palmitic acid are the preferred foods for the heart, which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. (43) The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.
* Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have important antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract.

The scientific evidence, honestly evaluated, does not support the assertion that "artery-clogging" saturated fats cause heart disease. (44) Actually, evaluation of the fat in artery clogs reveals that only about 26% is saturated. The rest is unsaturated, of which more than half is polyunsaturated. (45)

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Baaahs from Bustlehead Bourgeoisie

Quoting an affluent:

"Yeah but she said, yeah but she says she, No, said that next week, or she, that she has got, she has got doctors' appointments all week that week, she says" (average acceleration, with outbursts)

By way of contrast, hear a Madison, WI street bum:

"It had a sort of relish taste, rather like pesto relish." (recorded 12 December 2006 at Williamson and Baldwin)

Monday, 4 December 2006

Conjugal Caniness Comes

December 2nd, I dreamt. whitesky on northern fields. dusking over lakota savannah. sunlight to greylight. waited and watched under oak tree on hill. hungry. a great black wolf, a she-wolf, brought me food. piece by piece, she fed me. loping, she-lupus came and went. tossle-maned, raven-fell, tangle-thick, she lay near me. side by side, we shared and ate. she sought me, warmed me, braved me, outloped me. in dark of night, she turned to woman with thick black hair and whitesky skin. do not know her. never saw her in waking life. hope we will share more carcasses. jehovah jireh.

Lithe English writhes, twists a wreath

Middan-geard /mId.dan-yayrd/ = Middle Enclosed Region, Middle Garth, Middle Earth

Below follows excerpt from J.R.R. Tolkien's narrative poem The Lay of Leithian (an early Tale of Tinúviel) as it appears in The Lays of Beleriand in The History of Middle Earth III :

All eyes were quenched, save those that glared
in Morgoth's lowering brows, and stared
in slowly wandering wonder round,
and slow were in enchantment bound.
Their will wavered, and their fire failed,
and as beneath his brows they paled,
the Silmarils like stars were kindled
that in the reek of Earth had dwindled....

Then flaring suddenly they fell,
down, down upon the floors of hell.
The dark and mighty head was bowed;
like mountain-top beneath a cloud
the shoulders foundered, the vast form
crashed, as in overwhelming storm
huge cliffs in ruin slide and fall;
and prone lay Morgoth in his hall.
His crown there rolled upon the ground,
a wheel of thunder; then all sound
died, and a silence grew as deep
as were the heart of Earth asleep.
. . . .
....Morgoth groaned
with voice entombed, like wind that moaned
in hollow caverns penned and bound. [4086-4168]

Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Label over Substance

Truths by Fanatics

"We ordered healthy, non-greasy food."

"Shooo, you're gonna be a butterball after eating all that fat."

"The Japanese live a long time - see what a low-fat diet they have. Sushi is 'low-fat' !"

"I can't wait to chow down on some meat. I'm on my way to clogged arteries and a heart-attack!"

"I gotta get out and run all that fat off I just ate!"

"I'm getting fatter by the day. No more butter on my Wonder Bread, that's final."

"I only use olive oil now. I've really gone low-fat."

"Ok, no more cheesecake and icecream since the doctor told me to watch it. Check out these low-fat chips-a-hoy with carob! They contain sugar, preservatives, bleached wheat, sugar, carob with sugar. Ummagod no fat."

Now Look Here

Grease? Life-debasing word. Congealed car oil. Go eat that. But don't you dare throw out that pan grease. Remember the Lakota word for Minnesotan immigrants? "Those-That-Steal-the-Fat". Why did Lakota starve? Someone stole their fat, their life. Fat and Life are interlinked across the globe. Why do you think French, Japanese, and Czech women look perfect? They don't skimp on their fat intake, that's why. Lakota had no animals to eat, no fat. We killed them with prairie grass and potatoes.

*Fat is beautiful. It's perfect. It's the only caloric macronutrient essential to life.

*Nobility imprisoned in Middle Ages were sometimes tortured (at discretion) on a diet solely consisting of dried or soaked out meat with ALL FAT carefully removed - a kind of mega jerky. Their bodies couldn't process the rich nutrients they were taking in. They toxed on unuseable protein, and their calories gradually got vacuumed out of their bodies. They shrivelled and died.

*Every cell making up every tissue in your body - including 'lean muscle tissue' - has a bilayer of fat around it. Otherwise you couldn't move, think, breathe, or keep an organ from shifting! Every rum cell you have is composed of both saturated *and* unsaturated fats, the former for resilience, the latter for flexibility. Upteen functions besides. Remember your nervous & lymph systems, bonemarrow, inner organs, brain! Your body isn't just a mass of muscle or fat tissue. Without fat, you're a shrivelled rat.

Your brain would be bubble-wrap. Low-fat is Stupidity, Usury, Fraud, Food Industry Glutony, and Waste.

*Most non-hybrid life-sustaining carbohydrates have a 1:1:1 ratio of fat: protein: carb (seaweed, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, wild rice, almonds, olives, cashews). Humans love drugs and the feeling drugs give them - sugar feels good and gives food longer shelf life. Sugar and grain carbs should be enjoyed - but on the same level as alcohol. They're not meant (by god) to *live* off of. Not for us post-Eden humans. Wheat, barley, maize, rice, rye - all are carb-loaded unbalanced allergenic foods. Our cattle-swilled grass-grains, fermented in multiple stomachs, are the most resilient anti-digestive plant matter on Earth. Tough European cattle cut their gums and tongues on the silicon sharpness of Midwest prairie grass. If only humans were bison. We could burn switchgrass in our cars and homes while eating the richness of it for supper. All our problems would be over.

*Carbs (if over 30% of your diet) bulk up FAT-ONLY CELLS. FAT-ONLY CELLS lead to Fat People.

*Fat people are NOT Renaissance women! Big Hips are Big Life. True fat people are most often commercialized Irish, British or Americans - saggy, big up top APPLES with balloon uppers and meat-less lowers.

*The fat you eat isn't directly pumped into a Fat Cell Zone. No more than gasoline creates gasoline tumours hanging out the side of your car!

*The fat you eat is burned in your muscle tissue (if you have any) for energy. It can even be burned twice. That's certainly not its only vital function, but for now enough said.

*Alas *fat* is both a noun and unflattering adjective in English. A nice pickle we're in. When I complement a person I admire for his/her thickness, I use the adjective I mean: THICK.


Calm and comely
hum on wing,
plush on plume,
filigree flush.
Fetterless fly,
sighless sing.
-Paleo-Nate, August 2006

Sunday, 26 November 2006

Swank from Sven

Servus Nathan der Weise!

Lebst Du auch noch? Klingt ja sehr interessant, Dein Steinzeitleben. Siehst Du Dich mehr als Sammler oder auch als Jäger? So ein kleines Mammutsteak wäre ja mal nicht schlecht.

Was denn für ein Bild im Internet? Von mir??? Ist ja interessant. Ich hoffe, das war keine P*o*r*-Webseite? ha ha :-)

Und was treibst Du sonst noch so neben Deiner Schwerkraftbekämpfung? Bist Du noch in Wisconsin? Im Mai/Juni bin ich vielleicht für ein paar Tage auf einer Konferenz in Madison. Mad City.
S>EZ :-)

Saturday, 25 November 2006

Computers Finally Master English

You say: "negotiations"
They spell: "new cushy Asians"

You say: "your cellphone"
They spell: "your self fun"

You say: "otherwise Press 1"
They spell: "other wives Press 1"

You say: "Honestly they are very excited"
They spell: "On a sleigh they are very excited"

You say: "Geriatrics Center"
They spell: "Area Tricks Center"

You say: "Find out if it's real"
They spell: "Find out it's Israel"

You say: "Veterans Office"
They spell: "Mitterrand's Office"

You say: "Operator"
They spell: "Mob her rate her"

You say: "She's actually eating right now"
They spell: "She's sexually eating right now"

You say: "We're working on our garage sale skills"
They spell: "We're working on erogenous skills"

You say: "I'm just calling to say Hi"
They spell: "Mad sodomist calling to say Hi"

You say: "To become one of Sear's loyal customers"
They spell: "To become one of Saddam's loyal customers"

You say: "I'll pick you up tomorrow"
They spell: "I'll pick you off tomorrow"

You say: "When there's a knock at her door her dog barks and lets her know"
They spell: "When there's knock at her door her dog farts . . . . "

You say: "You have reached the voicemail of _______ Oil Company."
They spell: "You have reached the boy smell of _____ Oil Company."

You say: "We're just sitting here catching our breaths."
They spell: "We're just sitting here touching our breasts."

You say: "What if you dial . . . . ?"
They spell: "Dud you die alone."

You say: "Who am i talking with Question Mark"
They spell: "Who am i talking with a smurf?"

You say: "I am coughing most of the time"
They spell: "I am quaffing most of the time"

You say: "I thought you called about a load"
They spell: "I thought it was all about blood-flow"

You say: "Use as directed"
They spell: "Use direct kick"

You say: "We will try to connect again to catch up on Friday"
They spell: "We will try to connect a gallon cock up on Friday"

You say: "Then all you will have to do is email her"
They spell: "Then all you will have to do is kill her"

A Stór A Stór

A Stór mo Chroí, traditional after Karen Casey

A Stór mo Chroí, when you're far away
From the home you will soon be leavin,
Sure it's manys the time by night and day
Your heart will sorely be grievin.
Though the stranger's land is rich and fair,
And has riches and treasures golden,
You pine, I know, for the land, long ago
And the heart that's never olden.

A Stór mo Chroí, in the stranger's land
There is plenty of wealth and earnins.
Sultan gems adorn the rich and grand,
but their faces are pulled and tearin'.
For the road it is weary and hard to tread,
And the lights of the city do blind you;
Oh turn, A Stór, to Éirinn's shore
And the ones you left behind you.

A Stór mo Chroí, when the evenin sun
on mountain and meadow is fallin,
won't you turn away from the throng and sounds,
And maybe you'll hear me callin.
For the voice you hear is surely mine
after somebody's speedy returnin.
Aroon, aroon, won't you come home soon
To the ones who'll always love you.


and terror of loss,
make all but my love of life

Rick Lee, via Nic Jones

The Staid Saxon

The ox he's never woe
till he to harrow go,
for the harrow like the witches
runeth the rows in twitches

Thomas Tusser, 15th century

Commentary: Dorothy Hartley compares oxen to English Saxons who, like oxen, preferred life's steady unchanging pace. The tails of
mediæval harrows were made of dense, sharp twigs which jerked and skipped when drawn. Witches shiftily followed the lines of hedgerows (literally 'hag-rows') at darting speeds upon sticks.

Vittles That Mean Vim


Raw sage
Raw basil
Raw dill
Raw parsley
Raw garlic

Beepollen and Kelp (drink)
Gunpowder Tea (drink)
Green Tea (drink)
Dark chocolate (80%)
Kombucha / Olinka / Kwass / Ling-Tsche
Quinoa Griddlecakes
Amaranth cake with butter
Fried Eggs
Raw cranberries
Raw crabapples
Fresh catnip

Pablano Pepper
Lamb Hearts from Farmer's Market
Canine Biscuit
Adult Carpenter Ants

Conjugal Consonance

Oak of Ages ever with you
Godtree of grace gilded with stars,
adorned with daylit leaves of light.
Its girth, by lovewords girdled.
Its sap, sung by sapient Sage.
Its blossoms, blood-filled, blown.
Its limbs, lissom, love-wound,
limberly tracing the Lode to Life.

In time's seasons, tree rings widened,
Leaves unfolded, fell down golden.
Year-rings lengthen, new rind livens.
Out of ashes, new flesh shapen,
Out of winter, warmth awaken,
Tinge the twigs, bulge the boughs,
Bleed the berries, swell the blades,
Welter gladly, heart-blood's swelter.
Wag the soul in God-swung cradle,
Saddle with song, mirth-milk ladle. -Paleo-Nate

Friday, 24 November 2006

Cubans and Celts

End of October, i served Unc and Bri a three-course meal on my new rugs. Slowcooked chicken breasts in butter with pablanos, portabellas, red bells, onion, salt, pepper, sage and Herbes de Provence. Arugula salad. Sweet afters pecked: pecans and dark chocolate. Abt 12 Belgian, trapped by Trappists. Can you blame those 'celibates' throwing themselves at brew vats? Such aleswilling must be connubial. We fell on the feast, fortified with Yerba Matë, jasmine flower greentea, oil-black coffee – and convivial chews on two inches of Cuban shared among three. Kari-Synnøve, Norwegian folklorist dissertator maid in man's guise, brought it by, courtesy of dandy Scott Mellor.
I'm no smoker. Clinton's my man – i don't inhale. Not a fumer, yet the smokey cud was toothsome. Sweet was the ale on cigar-bitten tongue, bittersmack against Belgian sugar.

Dijeridoo droned between pucker-blown puffs. "Experts know nothing about lung capacity", came the purring report, as I bore up the doughty Donder Dij, echo-growling from underground. "Here's to Chestertonian charity and the quickness of queens and kings." Aborginal wood lodged in lip-pout, I made it groan like a grizzly. I opined my opinions of Halloween's social applications for Kari's videocamera and dissertation - several new pages toward a chapter. Every man was an orator, endemic with intellect. Puffing with posture. Ah. An evening of great repose and deep fruity laughs. I never once went out toward Langdon or State. Let the unhallow revelers de-hallow the Day. Lovely Halloween.

On Walpurgis, April 30th, i was warmed up to by Brían Hart, a St Louis vocal prodigy with Irish music band Gan Bua, and only American ever to win the Sgiath Uí Dhlaig shield at a traditional sean-nós singing contest in Ireland – he's sung for President Mary McAleese. He appears in published albums, and works with Cé in Milwaukee. The fond affinities and affection I found will complement my comrade bonds among men of camaraderie. I'd no idea who or what he was when we sang back to back at a session in DeKoven Center in Racine for an Irish Language Weekend. I was surpised, but comforted. As the craic increased and crowds dwindled, he and i lingered last in the room - sheep outside the fold. Two mottled sheep in a flock of same thousands. Not often I meet another Melungeon who's also part Ashkenazi Jew, all Celtophile, and entranced by Transylvania. He's the only person i've met whom i consider 'my other'. Wonder to watch another me.