Label over Substance
"We ordered healthy, non-greasy food."
"The Japanese live a long time - see what a low-fat diet they have. Sushi is 'low-fat' !"
"I can't wait to chow down on some meat. I'm on my way to clogged arteries and a heart-attack!"
"I gotta get out and run all that fat off I just ate!"
"I'm getting fatter by the day. No more butter on my Wonder Bread, that's final."
"I only use olive oil now. I've really gone low-fat."
"Ok, no more cheesecake and icecream since the doctor told me to watch it. Check out these low-fat chips-a-hoy with carob! They contain sugar, preservatives, bleached wheat, sugar, carob with sugar. Ummagod no fat."
*Grease? Life-debasing word. Congealed car oil. Go eat that. But don't you dare throw out that pan grease. Remember the Lakota word for Minnesotan immigrants? "Those-That-Steal-the-Fat". Why did Lakota starve? Someone stole their fat, their life. Fat and Life are interlinked across the globe. Why do you think French, Japanese, and Czech women look perfect? They don't skimp on their fat intake, that's why. Lakota had no animals to eat, no fat. We killed them with prairie grass and potatoes.
*Fat is beautiful. It's perfect. It's the only caloric macronutrient essential to life.
*Nobility imprisoned in Middle Ages were sometimes tortured (at discretion) on a diet solely consisting of dried or soaked out meat with ALL FAT carefully removed - a kind of mega jerky. Their bodies couldn't process the rich nutrients they were taking in. They toxed on unuseable protein, and their calories gradually got vacuumed out of their bodies. They shrivelled and died.
*Every cell making up every tissue in your body - including 'lean muscle tissue' - has a bilayer of fat around it. Otherwise you couldn't move, think, breathe, or keep an organ from shifting! Every rum cell you have is composed of both saturated *and* unsaturated fats, the former for resilience, the latter for flexibility. Upteen functions besides. Remember your nervous & lymph systems, bonemarrow, inner organs, brain! Your body isn't just a mass of muscle or fat tissue. Without fat, you're a shrivelled rat.
Your brain would be bubble-wrap. Low-fat is Stupidity, Usury, Fraud, Food Industry Glutony, and Waste.
*Most non-hybrid life-sustaining carbohydrates have a 1:1:1 ratio of fat: protein: carb (seaweed, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, wild rice, almonds, olives, cashews). Humans love drugs and the feeling drugs give them - sugar feels good and gives food longer shelf life. Sugar and grain carbs should be enjoyed - but on the same level as alcohol. They're not meant (by god) to *live* off of. Not for us post-Eden humans. Wheat, barley, maize, rice, rye - all are carb-loaded unbalanced allergenic foods. Our cattle-swilled grass-grains, fermented in multiple stomachs, are the most resilient anti-digestive plant matter on Earth. Tough European cattle cut their gums and tongues on the silicon sharpness of Midwest prairie grass. If only humans were bison. We could burn switchgrass in our cars and homes while eating the richness of it for supper. All our problems would be over.
*Carbs (if over 30% of your diet) bulk up FAT-ONLY CELLS. FAT-ONLY CELLS lead to Fat People.
*Fat people are NOT Renaissance women! Big Hips are Big Life. True fat people are most often commercialized Irish, British or Americans - saggy, big up top APPLES with balloon uppers and meat-less lowers.
*The fat you eat isn't directly pumped into a Fat Cell Zone. No more than gasoline creates gasoline tumours hanging out the side of your car!

*The fat you eat is burned in your muscle tissue (if you have any) for energy. It can even be burned twice. That's certainly not its only vital function, but for now enough said.
*Alas *fat* is both a noun and unflattering adjective in English. A nice pickle we're in. When I complement a person I admire for his/her thickness, I use the adjective I mean: THICK.