Ageless Age with Edge

Ageless Age with Edge
welcomes you twofold

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Good Will

                Yesterday was the day before November full moon. I pedalled with a will for five miles to Goodwill for some useful second-hand goods. Wanted to purchase bodywear and kitchenware. Sleety water splashed under my tires. Rubbish sacks wrapped and guarded my rucksack full of books for reading at work. Furry hat and gloves warmed my head and hands in the cold damp.
                After shopping around Goodwill for some forty minutes, finding good wear and good wares, a long-nosed manager nuzzled up to me (muzzle her!) and said: ‘Sir,’ by which she did not mean to uphold deference but policy maintenance. ‘Sir, no backpacks are allowed in our store. A sign says so right out front for everyone to read as they enter.’ She paused and walked a bit away, then returned, compensating in a motherly tone, ‘I know it’s hard for you to walk down the aisles with that on your back. We don't want you having to do that. Put it behind our front desk  - that way you won’t have to carry it.’
                So this rule existed to help me walk down the aisles? This rule existed to encourage me not to lift unnecessary weights? Better be frank with me and say you don't want me to have the ease of squirreling away your store's possessions in my pouch.
                What she assumed was that I drove a car and could lock up my valuables whenever I went on errands. But my backpack was like my top dresser drawer and survival kit in one. It had everything I needed outside the home.
                Balking at her insincerity, I turned my gaze away from her and ignored her, then casually walked to the cashier lady who says, ‘O, she caught you, did she?’
                I hand her my pack. ‘Yeah. It’s just, my eyes aren't so good.’
                ‘O, I thought you were fine with your backpack. That's why I didn't say anything to you.’
                I walk to the dressing room to try on shirts and slacks. The manager, not content with being insincere, decides to assuage her now guilty conscience and be even more insincere. So she says,
                ‘I bet that's a load off your back!’ As if to say, I bet by now you're glad we have this rule! See how we helped you today by exchanging your free will with our distrust!
                More irked than before, I did not look her way or give any sign I had even heard her. I went into the dressing room and shut the door more firmly than I would usually. At this point, I was feeling physically warm. I took off some of my gear – then stuffed it down into my carry basket. It’s not as if I could put it in my backpack, not without going through Customs again.
                Come check-out time, there was more Good Will to be enjoyed. My two smallest and cheapest items came without price tags. This problem was done away with by allowing me to share some of their work. Knowing her corporate instructions, the cashieress explained to me, ‘We can't sell you these until we get them priced. What we can do is hold them for you.’
                Before explaining what this could mean, she pulled out some papers for me to fill in. There were lots of microscopic blank spaces for all my personal information, and at the end I received a detatched portion with Good Will across it and their contact phone. ‘In two days we'll have these items priced. Just call us first before you come back in!’
                Bicycle five miles back in, you mean.
                It took me another two minutes to find out what this preliminary phone-call was meant for. She finally admitted Yes to the following summary: ‘So you want me to phone you in case you haven't priced them by then?’
                ‘Give us a call’, she says. ‘We wanna make sure you know the price before you commit to buy.’ I redirect an inward snigger into my diaphragm – like repressing a hiccup. I knew each item was worth less than a dollar. Commit to buy. Why do you think I’m here at the cash register with my 10 dollars in cash?
                This wasn't Walmart. This wasn't Best Buy. This wasn't Toys “R” Us. This was a second hand shop to save waste, curb poverty in society, and spread on earth peace, good will toward men. Why shouldn’t the joy multiply one by one and two by two and four by four? I was about to give them some of my money, after all. All that money and joy had trickled down to me. I stood there with an open hand, able to purchase second hand!
                By this time, the long-nosed manager had reappeared and was still trying to get me to look at her and assuage her guilty conscience. Being a merry soul, I made two jokes for her about the items to-be-priced, one of which I called a “thumb massager” since I didn’t know its original function. All was forgiven. Everyone was laughing. It was good to love one's fellow human. It was good to be alive. No one here took Security or Control or Protocol seriously after all.
                Now I’m all done, and all my unbreakable items are stowed and padded in sacks containing free newspaper. I head out in the freezing rain to my Bi-Ice-Ickle, fiddling with my bungee cords to pack everything down. But I stop up short. Where are my two winter hats and my gloves?
                I run back in the store and approach the cashier lady, asking her if she’d seen my winter gear. I dig down in my backpack in front of her, yanking my hat and gloves out of my check-out bag and quickly uncrumpling and scanning my receipt. Three mystery items stare up strangely at me, each labeled Soft Linings. One item, two item, three items, jacking up my bill. I softly explain to her how my own belongings had got mixed up with the check-out items. I point at the receipt, showing her the mystery charges.
                This brought Ms. Manage-Your-Burdens back to the front. She looked over my winter clothing, guessing that even a guy with a backpack wasn’t making all this up. And my Swiss boiled-wool mittens had I’m not from Goodwill written all over them. Why couldn’t she have just left me and my backpack alone? Controlfreaks make double the work for everybody. The whole thing was so absurd I started to laugh. ‘It looks like you just charged me for the clothes off my own back.’ I smiled, making it as forced as I could.
                Instead of dealing with the matter herself, head manager went on to dishonour me and her employees by shoving the whole thing onto us. I was convinced the cashieress was about to be scapegoated - and already I had a rebuttle and rebuke worked out in my head. The underling then returned, shame-faced and head-bowed. I looked at her orangey-dyed hair, thin white face, tired eyes, withered hands. She admitted it was her mistake and the manager started motormouthing instructions at her, ignoring me for several minutes. I interrupted the manager in a firm voice, looking straight at her, ‘It’s an understandable mistake. I’d rather you deal with me face-to-face. I’m about to reload my backpack and have a ways to go home. Are you going to give me money back now please?’
                They fiddled with the till for a long time, printing out several receipts. It was then, and only then, that I received My Goodwill, the truest act of good will in living memory.
                ‘Sir,’ (condescending again), ‘We can offer you store credit but no cash.’ Knowing I'll be back anyway for my to-be-priced items, and that I like Goodwill goods, I bit my tongue. I tried to throw a joke at the long-nosed manager:
                ‘I'll know from now on to throw all my winter gear into my shopping cart whenever I want store credit here!’
                No laughter.
                I looked at her then and said, ‘Some people carry life's load on their backs. It's up to you to lighten the load.’

Winter Comes to Nargothrond

The summer slowly in the sad forest
waned and faded. In the west arose
winds that wandered over warring seas.
Leaves were loosened from labouring boughs:
fallow-gold they fell, and the feet buried
of trees standing tall and naked,
rustling restlessly down roofless aisles,
shifting and drifting.
The shining vessel
of the sailing moon with slender mast,
with shrouds shapen of shimmering flame,
uprose ruddy on the rim of Evening
by the misty wharves on the margin of the world.
With winding horns winter hunted
in the weeping woods, wild and ruthless;
sleet came slashing, and slanting hail
from glowering heaven grey and sunless,
whistling whiplash whirled by tempest.
The floods were freed and fallow waters
sweeping seaward, swollen, angry,
filled with flotsam, foaming, turbid,
passed in tumult. The tempest died.
Frost descended from far mountains
steel-cold and still. Stony-glinting
icehung evening was opened wide,
a dome of crystal over deep silence,
over windless wastes and woods standing
as frozen phantoms under flickering stars.

-written by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien on Oxford paper in 1924 or 1925

Monday, 10 November 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Of God’s SoS

Saturday, 8 November 2008

The Shadow

Nathan feels a shadow falling on his land and friends.

E. S.: Are you meaning the End Times? There is a lot of talk about it.

R. V. H.: That's too bad because I felt some darkness lift from America Tuesday night.

E. H.: Above all shadows rides the sun, and stars forever dwell [quoting Tolkien]

The Kingdom of the Heart

As to E.S.'s comment, I believe the End Times have been gaining in acceleration since 1 a.D., and we turn further and further way from the kingdom inside human hearts. As to R.V.H.'s observation, I respect Obama, but it is for people's hearts and souls I fear, and nations and rulers and powers cannot mend us from the inside out. It is the Keepers of the Garden (the Paleo-Americans) who are our people's lost conscience and nobility. Until we weep with them, we will not be blessed. Until we weep and grow small and humble, we will never have love of family or tribe again. Until their voice is heard, and we stop dehumanizing with controlling programmatic rules and amoral condescensions, and ween us off of usury, excess, sham/counterfeit wealth, and lust for conformity, we will welter in mediocrity, boredom, monotony, internal violence, estrangement, hatred of neighbour, soulless lethargy, and deception about the truth. The People are not a family. The Government is not our friend. We must return with bowed heads and wonder to the Creator.

The Relational Banquet

In response to E.H. the Wise, I too (like you) see and hope beyond all shadow. Human hearts and the bonds of love are eternal - the United States of America is not. And Americans who do not know this are mis-minding and undermining the Annointed One's message. They don't care about morality - they only care about programs and rules written by legalists who have no belief in anything but Safety and Protocol and Control. God is turning his face from us who despoil his son's relational Banquet in the name of Modernism. The collateral damage rains even on those friends and family of mine who sit and wait in patience and diligence. It is time to rise from our lethargy and our unprecedented addictive habits, the sleeping pills of the soul, the joy-killers. The people are swayed by nothing more than "What Everyone Else Is Doing". That isn't enough for me. We must decide what authority we will follow. As for me, I will not follow the Big Voices speaking to Moderns, nor obey the Powers empowering Dehumanization.

And FURTHERmore...! (Here Uncle Dennis ends his 8-hour workday so we can continue the conversation;). Furthermore, there is this to be said: If the People truly saw their insides, were atune with the actual malady (not with mere symptoms), we wouldn't be moping about a 'bad economy'. The fixation on it shows how easily we're deceived. If anything, we should beg for more of the blessing of privation. Are we really so naive about long-term health (as opposed to our short-term mood-stabilizers) that we're going to throw money at our problems?

Friday, 7 November 2008

The Crackle of Oratory

I am indebted to Allan V., my neighbour and friend, for the long hours of hospitality in his den during which he brightened my day, preached with conviction, and made his way through the hallways of our house and the streets of Madison to speak to its people with the spur-of-the-moment frankness that took many of them aback. -N. P. Hillman

Allan Mad-I-Siouxson God's SoS of Madison's Sure Fire Raves:

Spoken to a mounted cop: "It's amazing how one of God's most wonderful beasts can bear Satan so well on its back!"

Spoken to more mounted cops: "You ride as if you're part of that horse - I won't say which part."

Spoken to more coppers patrolling Madison Halloween: "Do they pay you extra not to talk?"

Spoken on television during Madison 'Mardi Gras' (Halloween): "We went to the Garden to find the Great Pumpkin, but all that we found was Pumpkin Head." [Review your Charlie Brown....]

Spoken to the wordless, greetingless grim Cop at Peace Park, who told Allan, 'You need to address me as Sir of Officer'. [removing sunglasses off of piercing Sioux eyes and staring at policeman]: "You are our gods. You carry the weapons. It's your job to protect us...and . not . harrass . us. People are in awe of you. You are their protector, and you pretend we don't exist?"

"We're fighting over things so petty and tiny that pretty soon we'll fit through the smallest keyhole into Hell."

"I am Son of Satan
That is Who I am
Here is WHERE I am
You will have to find me...
[walking away now from two listeners.
peers back at them over his shoulder]

Damn. "


"My friend named Magic puts the Sham in Shamanism."

"I'm just King of the Kooks here. I don't use my authority very often."

"I can't date anyone. Not now. I'm too...I'm too...possessed."

"People say, 'I don't have any time'. But ALL we have is time!"

"I came to a place this nation calls its Heart, but I found none."

"Satan lives in the electrical wires."

"Time is thick right now. It's like we're crawling through it."

"I'm marvellous as well as marble-less."

"I'm lunar-ly, not loonily inclined."

"J has no sense, but there IS a scent with him!"


Spoken of a neighbour who insists that Allan shut his door when said neighbour uses nearby bathroom and tries to lock his own private life away in room and bathroom:
"Arrogance needs no lock."

Spoken TO same neighbour who tried to sniff weed in Allan's room by thrusting his nose across the threshold! : "You like confrontation, don't you? Listen. I. Am. Son. of. Satan", finished off with empathetic rhythmic nods. Neighbour now tolerates the Open Door Policy!

Spoken to housemate who lives one floor below who was flinging baby powder in the air while Allan tried to retrieve and eat food from a microwave on the same floor: "J, don't you think it's time you let me eat some food without your powders and spray in it? From now on, your bike lock is cursed." [J had to find a janitor to cable cut his lock. The combo no longer worked.]

Next day, SOS (Allan) with same neighbour, watching Allan put his hand over the bike lock: "Wait wait wait. Let me put my RIGHT hand upon your lock so I can remove the curse." J says, "Please? Please?!"

Spoken to the CIA in the Phillipines after they warned him not to pay the poor natives selling him shoe polish: "It's a good day to blackmarket then!"

Spoken to Kris Krisofferston in the Philippines when he was on tour with Barbara Streisand, and Allan had stolen Kris' birthday cake to feed it to the natives: "I'm sorry, Kris. I stole your cake so the Filipinos could have some food."

Spoken to drivers who yell at him on his bicycle -- Why don't you stay on the Bicycle Path!!!!!!
"We are ALL on the wrong path, and we must all find a new one". [With confident slow nods and measured enunciation.]

Spoken to one of the four drivers who hit him on foot or cycle in a crosswalk (four times) and then stopped to see if he was alright! "Thank you for coming. I see you had LOTS and LOTS of time to stop and talk to me after you hit me, but no time to slow down enough not to run me over."

Spoken to street evangelists during Halloween after one says to him, "I'll pray for you." : "It is time to pray, for I am here. I am among you."

Uttered to a praetersexual who condescended to him from the audience with the words, 'Do you think you need some help?'-- "Are you going to be my Judas?"

Spoken to local Madison 'Orange Man' (Paul Arthur), who plays his piccalo for the People and never speaks to them: "Sir, I can see you play for the people. You are FOR the people, but you don't seem WITH the people." [SOS shaking his head]. Orange Man, true to form, spoke not a word.

SoS's word to the spirit, Dogman, after Equinox, 2008: " "

Teacher's comment on one of SoS's early report cards: "He gallops well."

N. P. H. : "Hi, I'm 2,000 years old."
SoS: "Hi, good to meet you. I'm dead already."

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Defacing Facebook

Allan Warnung VordemTeufel, transported from Facebook and its triteness, but recorded for me and my reverent smiles. -NPH

Allan said: "We went to the Garden to find the Great Pumpkin, but all that we found was Pumpkin Head."

Basic Information
Networks: Madison, WI
Sex: Male
Birthday: January 7, 1952
Political Views: The Kingdom is Here: Put Down Your Weapon
Religious Views: The Snake is in the Garden
I am Gods SOS, Son of Satan (in name only), the harbinger of healing, the guardian of the Garden lost to Adam and Eve.

Personal InformationInterests:

Indigenous Americans

The Apocalypse of the Thunderbird

Rahmen Noodles

Not doing my laundry

Rubinesque Women

Casting spells on locks and bolts

Favorite Movies:
Little Big Man, Time Bandits
Favorite Quotations:
"Arrogance needs no lock"

"I can't date anyone. Not now. I'm too...I'm too...possessed."

Spoken to angry drivers of Horses-Without-Souls who yell for cyclists to stay on the bicycle path: "We are ALL riding on the wrong path, and we must all find a new one."

Contact Information

Monday, 3 November 2008

My Guard of God's Garden in My Own Home

GodsSOS is come. The hour is here to let the Messiah live within us and let the Lion and Lamb lie together, and cease despoiling the Creator's Garden in the name of God while the Snake hisses in laughter. To America the Fallen: Satan Says Hi.

-Jo-Nathan the Baptist