Ageless Age with Edge

Ageless Age with Edge
welcomes you twofold

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Moodly Mollum Pie

I cannot consider your endeavor
but the pittily wittily poo-hooing of tommy tykes tootads,
jaggwars wammy blammy gimm
hoodly moodly mollum pie
huddly roddlum cody coody sodd
while gargol golly molly sings sally bolly
and lickum lackum doodlum hadd
astrummin shick shack mick sack bodd
to get gallant groon from groggy grawn moon
out of weevil sippin hip-sap nibbles
and touchy lappy topwilly nipples.

Despite the Puritans' shirkin curtains,
I love and limp for shrine shrimps
while cookin gibble gobble imps
blimpy pimply pumpkin bottom dimps
yellow yarrow dallow marrow
fillow fallow harrow mellow
lamber pimber wamber somber
nimble clamber fimble romble
in order to assemble my timber tempered bumble tambre
cryin crap crimble tipple tumbler
whimsy hams gotta clam wam
icky ooey mooey gooey all over gummy gams
stuffin puff laughy luffy cushy maam
smiff smile stiff riffraff pile cooloff Nile

I'm invariably butting in as well as out,
whether terrible furor weather
waps the blither heather wether
or hinges on whether I toothe on tether
and deny all killjoy pilljoy silly sally stilljoy,
still my willjoy makes frilly dill molly spill
blimey wimey bill boys

Written during consumption of a fine mediaeval Belgian ale