Six Sequences of Shifting
I had a six-sequence dream: In the first bit, paying rent was impossible, because all tenants' rent money came through as counterfeit or drawn from fictitious banks. Secondly, some builders were demolishing a room directly over mine, insecuring my ceiling. The workers were mafia. In the third sequence, we looked for hidden rooms in attic, cellar and walls(no luck). Fourthly, my former prophet housemate carved figures in the ground and pavement of birds flying away. In the sixth sequence, my Appalachian grandfather looked for jobs in Ireland, while I compared his accent to the employment officers'. Lastly, my Irish friend's house was named in a vocal chant: "A place of forgotten & timeless love and hate".
In sum: (1) can't pay rent (since all money is counterfeit). (2) mafia builders demolish room above mine,destroying my room. (3) I look for hide-out room space behind walls, underground or in attics. (4) a prophet carves figures of fugitive birds all over the ground (5) my Appalachian grandfather is unemployed, looks for work in a poor country (Ireland),feels a cultural bond with them. (6) the home of a close Irish friend is sung out as "a place of timeless and forgotten love and hate."