Eclipse at Ugarit
Midnight gone and Moonday come,
A magnanimous mythopoeic harangue to speak against Fairness, Legalism, Puritanism, Imposture, Myopia, Jobaholicism, Recreationalism, Insincerity, Desensitivity, Neuroticism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Controlfreakism, Outcome-Fixation, Linear Fatalism, Human Enhancement, Programmaticization, Compartmentalization, Specialization, Fragmentation, Reductionism, Pragmatism, Roboticism, Secularization, Relativization, Skepticism, Discontinuity, Determinism, Ahistoricism, Materialism, and Modernism.
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Labels: Sway of Poesie
Blades are rushing, raiding,
goring mower’s roaring
Rotating cuts turn fatefully
beneath me turning lethally
Fallow petals falling,
fazed by death the daisies.
Iron knife is rifling
newest grasses blooming
Can I hear their man-fears
Under me limbs sunder
Pausing now then kneeling
with knees upon the grasses,
I lie down low and peer down
with love inside the cuttings
Red ribbons of amphibians
I find torn on the shorn field,
lost to life short-lasted.
I lift alive a frisking gift,
a frog upon the soggy swathe –
In swamp I free him romping
The haulms have fallen calmly
Cut down, fluttering critters,
some giving life, yet living.
Stopped is ripper’s stripping,
Bees aloft hum softly,
Toads are burping, goading
lovemates for a sating
Slowly, quit, the mower
quakes above earth’s shaking
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Labels: Sway of Poesie
I. Nutrition on the Bus (dern blog won't allow lay-out - columns)
II. Infernal Recess
Vernal Recess from infernal pit-cess
of all-night pizzafaces
Student debauchville, studless,
won’t neigh for two weeks
with loudmouths gone
Donut kids won’t steal my bus
on caffeine-kinked mornings
I pedal in peace on my icy cycle
gliding through the silent town,
the quiet glee of March snow,
as work-days come and mirk-nights go
Skunk hash scents the sidewalks
next to Knuckleheads
where the leisure poor make space for talk
and lift each other’s loads
Credit kids have flown to Cali
Knuckleheads are gone – Scram
Student screams are caged
in Florida folly
Baby rashes are scratched
with counterfeit rations on beerhead beaches
III. Schooled Blight
The noisy brats have blown town
Their dustcloud lingers low
down the emberdraft of wind
University manfactory
manufactures malaise
Springbreak, supposéd repose,
breaks springbuds
like an elephant’s hose
I throw a party for myself
Cook sardines in coconut, garlic, basil, salt and lime
with pablano peppers
Rocket and kale rock with tomat O, avocad O, onion O,
axed flax, sage
Vampire, entrancing Transylvanian wine,
volubly envelops my throttle
The fake health of youth
is manufactured by malefactors
Outside whines the winds
fallen by sixty degrees,
a blight to the buds
Foodmakers yield less, yearly,
while plenty plummets
Piles of money buy less
as capital’s decapitated,
headless in the ashes
Dollars to squalor
Members to embers
Nickels to pickles
Quarters to Morte ore
Dimes dust of time
Bills paper pills
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Labels: Sway of Poesie