Fraternal, Extraterral
A mixed fraternity sorority crowd, usually classist & uppity, see me and surprise me by sitting down indian-sty...le all around me and the garden space. I'm baffled to notice I'm buff naked (how did this happen?), and so I try to be casual and pretend it's the most normal thing in the world. I take a long, dignified pull at a drink in my hand.
A girl sits down close and explains, `Hey, we saw you and couldn't pass you up. So why are you naked?`
`Well I don't really *know* ... you know?` I figure the honest approach has its cuteness.
She giggles.
`Do you know why you're dressed?` I ask, to the clapping approval of the entire group.
`No idea,` she answers. To my disconsolation, no one follows my lead.
We sit joking and talking, as I discreetly put on articles of clothing I pull from my rucksack. This way, I go from being naked to dressed without anyone noticing.
The girl and I go off for a stroll, up and down the zigzagging stairs. `Ever been this way before?` she asks me. We tiptoe down a very steep and roofed stair with lateral guards, me first, holding hard on the rails. Suddenly, the roof and railing end. It's now nothing but a bare stair falling like a ladder from the sky, high above the earth. I turn around and look at her, a bit sheepishly,
`I think we oughtta go back. Are there any safer stairs down?`