Ageless Age with Edge

Ageless Age with Edge
welcomes you twofold

Monday, 14 July 2014

Lemonsnort Your Mansniffle

Hamdy Kassem,   أنت المنقذ

The Bedouin lemon-snort

is curing my mancold

while boiling under hot beams, sun-melting my mansniffle,

burning off the achy icky summerflu,


Cheers, you unsnotting noggin on my neck,

you brainsoothing mucilage smooth,

with windy weather blowing my cup

steaming up

my pine-cone tea, spruce-cone fir-cone

resin-sticky in ginger-lemon-yarrow

in my binger-Bedouin marrow,

my rising man-might,

slaking my lemon-stung nostril.

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