Ageless Age with Edge

Ageless Age with Edge
welcomes you twofold

Monday 22 February 2010

To speak is to sing

Dennis Gerrolt asking John Ronald Reuel Tolkien dense one-dimensional questions on BBC 4 and getting deft replies.

I've listened to this clip of a BBC interview of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien about seven times today, mostly to take in the cadence and music of his speech, which I find as compelling as Middle-earth itself. But I consider Tolkien's grasp of the cosmic refreshingly...rooted. The interviewer is so narrow and unidimensional in most of his queries, trying to peg down and reduce Middle-earth to author-sourced trivia. Tolkien easily defies, outwits, evades him. The man simply sees longeval and further, was not born in our media-box.

1 comment:

Evenland said...

Elves are longeval, not immortal flesh